Tuesday, 24 December 2013

Amazing healing properties of Himalayan Salt

Himalayan Crystal Salt

What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you hear “Himalayan Salt”? Obviously the first thought is that it must be some alternative to the everyday common table salt but like the old proverb goes “it’s just the tip of the iceberg”. Apart from being a very healthy substitute for the sodium and chloride based chemically treated “white poison” we ingest, Himalayan salt also has amazing healing properties. In this article I will jot down some very potent yet little known uses of rock salt.

Open wounds

Yes! Even open wounds can be sterilized using a highly diluted solution of Himalayan salt. The key to making a mixture for cleaning open wounds is getting the ratio of non carbonated water & salt rock crystals right. Ideally ½ ounce Himalayan salt should be dissolved in ½ cup of pure mineral water, any more and it will create a burning sensation (contrary to what you are trying to achieve). Any less and the entire mixture will lose its potency. It is also pertinent to mention here that the brine solution needs to be freshly brewed in order to be fully effective. Simply soak a strip of clean sterile cloth in brine solution rinse it and gently apply on the wound. Wrap the poultice with a dry cloth to allow maximum absorption of the Himalayan salts incredible healing.

Asthma, Bronchitis, Sinus & Ear Infections

I have firsthand experience of how horrible an asthma attack and its residual effects can be. I came across a very innovative use of Himalayan salt to alleviate the ailments of upper and lower respiratory tract. It’s very similar to a facial using steam that us women use to open facial pore. Simply boil 4-8 quarts of mineral water when it comes to a boil and is giving off steam profusely add 4 ounces of Himalayan crystals salt to it. The salt ratio should be equal to the quart ratio, for example if you are using 8 quarts of mineral water, 8 ounces of Himalayan salt should be used.

Let the salt crystals dissolve and then take a large towel and use it to cover the entire dish containing the solution and cover your head with it. (Remember the steam facial example?) Inhale the detoxifying and highly therapeutic vapors for at least 10 minutes. The active ingredients of the Himalayan salt will seek out and bind with the toxins in your system and be secreted out through mucus. Don’t be alarmed if you experience a bout of light coughing. It’s your body ridding itself of the poisons. 

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